Submissions in the form of extended abstracts, short author-guidelines, and full manuscripts are welcome.
- all submitted author-guidelines will be peer-reviewed
- the congress proceedings will be published under an ISSN and ISBN number
- each paper will be assigned a unique DOI number by Crossref
- the conference proceedings will be indexed by Google Scholar
- the proceedings will be permanently archived in Portico (one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world).
- selected author-guidelines from the congress will be submitted for possible publication in the one of the journals below (publication fees may apply).
Paper Topics
Interested authors, researchers, and industrial experts are invited to submit their author-guidelines to the conference that best resonates with their technical background. At the same time, attendees are permitted, and encouraged, to attend talks from co-located conferences.
Computer and Information Science and Technology
- Anonymity Technologies
- Applied Computer Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Circuit Design
- Cloud Computing
- Communication
- Computer Forensics
- Computer Hardware
- Computer Vision
- Data Mining
- Digital Information
- E-learning
- Education
- Firmware Development
- Graphics and Visualization
- Hardware-software Integration
- Human-computer Interaction and Interactive Multimedia
- Image Processing
- Information Theory
- Information Theory, Systems, and Technology
- Internet Technology
- Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multimedia Computing
- Networks
- Next Generation Systems
- Online Privacy
- Operating Systems
- Optimization
- Programming (languages)
- Reliable Computing
- Robotics
- Simulators
- Soft Computing
- Software Engineering
- Trustworthy Computing
- Virtual Environments and Haptics
- Wearable Computing
- Web-based Security Applications and Services
Machine Vision and Machine Learning
- Adaptive Systems
- Affective Computing
- Artificial Intelligence for Machine Vision
- Camera Calibration
- Data Mining for the Web
- Event Recognition
- Evolutionary Computing
- Face, Gesture, and Action Recognition
- Image/Video Processing
- Logistics
- Motion and Flow
- Neurocomputing
- Object Recognition
- Object Tracking
- Pattern Recognition
- Perception-based Studies for Image/Video Processing
- Person, Face, and Gesture Tracking
- Soft Computing for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
- Soft Computing for Machine Vision
- Statistical Methods and Learning
- Texture, Shape, and Colour
- Video Compression
- Video Content Analysis
- Vision and Learning in Robotics
Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction
- 3D Imaging
- Adaptive and Personalized Interfaces
- Aesthetics in Multimedia and HCI
- Analysis and Design
- Animation and Graphics
- Architectures for Interaction
- Augmented Environments
- Computer-Based Learning
- Databases, Digital Libraries
- Distributed Environments
- Dynamic and Real-Time Content Generation
- Emotions in Multimedia and HCI
- Evaluation Methods and Techniques
- Face and Body Based Interaction
- Grahpical User Interface
- Haptics
- Home and Entertainment Systems
- Human Factors
- Intelligent and Autonomous Agents
- Interaction Design
- Interaction Through Wireless Communication Networks
- Marketing in Multimedia and HCI
- Measurement and Evaluation
- Multimedia Coding
- Multimedia Design
- Multimedia Communication, Networking and Mobility
- Multimedia Security, Content Protection, and Forensics
- Multimedia Transmission
- Multi-modal Integration
- Non-verbal Interfaces
- Service Engineering
- Signal Processing
- Social Media
- Speech, Audio, Image, Video Processing
- Speech and Natural Language Interfaces
- Standards and Natural Language Interfaces
- Tangible User Interfaces
- Text and Pattern Processing
- Usability Studies
- Visualization
- Virtual Worlds
Biomedical Engineering and Systems
- Bioelectrical Engineering
- Biofluid Mechanics
- Bioinformatics
- Biomaterials
- Biomechanics
- Biomechatronics
- Biomedical Devices
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Optics
- Biomems
- Biophotonics
- Biosensors
- Brain-Computer Interfaces
- Cardiovascular Biomechanics
- Computational Biology
- Computer Aided And Automated Diagnosis
- Drug Design
- Functional Imaging
- Gait and Posture Analysis
- Gene Networks
- Health Monitoring Devices
- Medical Imaging and Image Processing
- Molecular Sequence Analysis
- Nanotechnology For Biomedical Applications
- Neuroengineering
- Neuroimaging
- Pattern Analysis For Biomedical Applications
- Robotics
- Sensors and Instrumentation
- Telehealth
- Telemedicine
Electrical Engineering and Electronics
- Analog Circuits and Digital Circuits
- Antennas and Waves- Design, Modeling and Measurement
- Automation
- Battery Management System
- Circuits
- Communication Systems and Engineering
- Control Systems
- Electrical Engineering
- Electromagnetics
- Electronics
- Embedded Systems
- High Voltage Engineering
- Information Systems
- Instrumentation
- Mechatronics
- Microwave Circuits
- Mobile Computing
- Network Performance
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Photonics
- Power Electronics
- Power Systems
- Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits
- Robotics
- Signal Processing
- Smart Grid
- Software Systems and Applications
- System on a Chip
- Transformers
- Wireless Networks
Extended Paper Submission Deadline
Extended Notification to Authors
Extended Early-Bird Registration